See what I mean? It was kind of rainy and Chrissy decided she didn't want out, so she and David waited for me in the truck. They waited and waited and waited.
First stop was the White House of the Confederacy. It was the home/office of Jefferson Davis during part of the Civil War. Didn't tour inside, but the home is beautiful outside and has many beautiful architectural details.
There is a beautiful wrought iron fence surrounding the yard. So much detail!
I realized I was across from the Alabama State Capitol building! Hadn't noticed because I was looking for this house first. Checked with the two in the truck, but they decided to stay there and wait for me! They missed a lot.
Each of the 50 states has a display below the flagpole featuring their state flag. Wyoming's was most impressive to me. It was done in a beautiful rock formation that may have been marble. Up the walkway to the next site!
I was walking up the driveway and admiring the different flags form each state and then saw this view of the Capitol Building. I'd never sen it from this angle. Notice the small monument to the right? If you look closer, you'll see it has a flame at the top. Turned out to be my next stop.
Flame of Freedom
Honoring Alabama War Veterans
Each side had something different inscribed on it.
On around the building.....
Did you know each state has a replica of the Liberty Bell? The one for Alabama is located on the Capitol grounds. Here's a link to find where each one is: Liberty Bell
Just beyond the Liberty Bell was a beautiful flower garden with red flowers planted in the shape of a star.
Beyond the flowers was another statue. I was afraid to walk on the grass, so I asked a nearby Capitol Police officer if it was okay to take a picture from the grass side. He told me it was perfectly fine and then told me I could go into the building itself and climb to the cupola. Didn't make it this trip, but will the next time.
Here is the marker explaining the flower garden.
This Statue is called "Duty Called."
It was a monument to the fallen officers and also marked when the Alabama Highway Patrol was formed. The name is now the Alabama State Troopers.
On around the Capitol:
Keep in mind it's getting darker and it's kind of misty......
There are many interesting markers and memorials covering the capitol grounds. This one was in memory of Lafayette.
Approaching the front of the capitol.
Getting closer!
This statue was of Jon Allen Wyeth. Learn more about him here.
Found North and South Meridian markers. Can't find how they got here, what they were for, etc. Ideas?
OK this is the statue that scared me! It was getting darker, no one was around and it was just creepy. The statue was on a hill and I was just below the hill shooting upward. I was looking through the viewfinder and I realized it reminded me of Barnabas Collins from the TV show "Dark Shadows." I quickly moved away from this statue. Scary. Only later did I discover it was a statue of Jefferson Davis.
Here are the columns on the capitol building. It really is a beautiful building. Lots of wrought iron on the front, too.
By now, David cannot see me, my phone is in the truck, and it's thundering. Time for a break! Headed for the truck!
Catch us down the road!
Jenny :)
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